First Steps to Food Freedom: Video 1

Presented by God’s Perfect Size: A Food Freedom Series

Kim Jagwe
2 min readAug 15, 2021


Photo Credit, Kim Jagwe (Author)

Sexual abuse, shame, abandonment, and intense emotional pain led me down the path to out-of-control eating. I was a food addict for nearly half my life. I would have remained imprisoned in my own skin had it not been for God knocking on my hardened heart and rescuing me.

Today, I’m about 100 pounds lighter and have been walking in food freedom for over 20 years.

In this video, I tell you how I found my lasting freedom from food addiction. If you are like me and have tried a multitude of diets and countless ways to lose weight and nothing has worked, it’s time to Give it to God. And here’s a bit of good news, His help is free and always available to you.

My journey was hard, tear-filled, and took longer than I thought it would. But God did a thorough in me work to ensure that my freedom would last.

The same God who did it for me can do it for you!

Real victory is at hand!

Enjoy the video and share your thoughts. My goal for this series is to share every step I’ve taken to come out on the side of freedom.

Blessings on your journey as you become God’s Perfect Size.



Kim Jagwe

Kim Jagwe:, Podcaster* Faith Builder* CEO of God's Perfect Size.* Really Cool Human. My internet home is